Documentation 0.1
is an open-source-GUI-programm to create
slideshows from images and text.
Images and text can be combined in many ways
and can be provided with effects like
move, scale, rotate and crop.
The effects can be parametrized in the time axis so that
variety of transition effects are possible.
is released as open-source program under the GNU GPL Version 3.
It uses
ffmpeg to render the slideshow
and is written in Java.
was inspired
a command-line utility to create slideshows.
is available in the following languages:
Components of a slideshow
consists of images and modifications.
An image is either an image from an image-file or
an image generated from text.
An image can contain modifications and other images.
Other images are drawn on top the previous image.
A modification changes the image as either a whole or adds additional images.
The result is a tree of images and modifications.
An image or a modification is based on a template.
A template has parameters of specific types and a fixed number of point in times.
Appendix A lists all possible templates with its parameters.
Point in time
A image or a modification starts and ends at a specific point in time.
The parameter of the image or the modification can define
additional point in times. The values of the parameters can change at this point in times.
Between the point in times of a image or a modification
are the durations.
A template defines specific parameter.
A parameter has a type and defines the point in times
at which the parameters can be changed and
at which duration the values of the parameter are used and valid.
shows the slideshow in a quarter-view.
The component, that is selected
in the tree-view or the timeline,
is shown in the top-left quarter.
All parameters at defined point
in times can be edited.
For details look at the component-view and -editor.
A preview can be shown
in the top-right quarter. (planned)
The components of the slideshow
are shown in the bottom-left quarter
in a tree-view. Root is the slideshow
and the root-images.
For details look at the tree-view.
The components of the slideshow
are shown in the bottom-right
quarter as timeline.
Each image and his children
- images and modifications -
is shown in a rectangle.
For details look at the timeline-view.
Menu and Toolbar
Menu- and Toolbar-Elements
Creates a new empty slideshow
Shows a filechooser, opens the selected slideshow and
shows it in a new window.
Saves the slideshow.
If no filename are given previously,
a filename can be selected in a file-chooser.
Saves the slideshow under an other filename.
A new filename can be selected in a file-chooser
Saves all open slideshows.
For all slideshows without a filename,
a filename can be selected in a file-chooser
Closes the slideshow.
If the slideshow are changed,
a message-box is shown with the possibility
to close without saving,
close with saving or
cancel the closing.
If the last slideshow is closed, than the application terminates.
Renders the slideshow in a background process.
A cancel-button, messages and a progress-bar is shown in the toolbar.
If a render-process for the slideshow is in progress,
you cannot start another render process.
For details look at the
Edits the properties of the slideshow.
It is the name of the slideshow, the output-format and
the action that is taken for selected files.
For details look at the
properties view.
Closes all slideshows.
For all slideshows, that have unsaved changes,
a message-box is shown with the possibility
to close without saving,
close with saving or
cancel the closing.
If all slideshows are closed, than the application terminates.
All open slideshows will appear in the menu.
To jump to a slideshow, clicking at its entry.
Shows an about-dialog and shows the version.
The cancel-rendering-button cancels the current rendering-process.
It is only shown, when a rendering-process is active.
For details look at the
If a rendering-process is active, a message and a progress-bar is shown.
The message consists of the frames rendered, the total count of frames to render
and a factor of the duration of the render process
relative to the duration of the resulting slideshow-video.
For details look at the
In the component-view, all parameters of an image
or a modification can be viewed and edited.
At the beginning type, name, template, start time
and duration are displayed.
Name, start time and duration can be changed.
In the center all parameters of the image or modification are listed.
In the time-areas in which the parameters can have a value, the value can be edited.
In the areas which are provided with a leftward triangle,
the value of the following time span is valid.
In the areas which are provided with a triangle pointing to the right,
the value of the preceding time span is valid.
For a time range there is no value provided or required, nothing is displayed.
At the bottom of the table the points in time are displayed in a row,
the time duration are displayed in another row.
Both, points in time and time duration can be changed.
The components of the slideshow are shown in a tree in the tree-view.
It can be more than one component selected with the standard-methodes:
Click with shift-down: all components between the first and the last selected component are selected.
Click with ctrl-down: the clicked component is added or removed from the selected components.
The nodes can be expanded and collapsed.
A popup-menu can be shown for the selected component.
For details look at
In the upper left corner are 4 buttons to change the time to pixel factor:
Zoom in
The time to pixel factor is doubled |
Zoom out
The time to pixel factor is halved |
Zoom fit
The time to pixel factor is set to a value, that the whole slideshow is shown in the timeline-view |
Zoom 100%
The time to pixel factor is set to a value, that every frame is shown as 2 pixels |
A time-grid is shown in the column-header.
A red line shows the time, where the cursor pointed to.
Green lines shows the begin and the end of the selected component
that is shown in the component-view.
The components are shown in the scroll-area.
Every component is shown as a rectangle.
The position and the width of the rectangle reflects point in time and duration of the component.
Any additional point in time is displayed as a small bar.
If the component has a thumbnail, it is shown in the left of the rectangle.
Beside the thumbnail the name is written.
The components can be selected. They are selected in the
tree-view too.
The last selected component is shown in the
component-view .
It can be more than one component selected:
Click with ctrl-down or shift-down: the clicked component is added or removed from the selected components.
Double click: the component and all its children are selected.
The point in times of the selected components can be modified:
If the cursor is over the begin, the end or a intermediate point in time of a selected component,
the cursor is changed to a red arrow. While the left mouse-button is down, the point in time under the cursor can be moved.
If the point in time under the mouse is the begin of the components, than the components are moved
and unselected components, that are temporal after the selected components, are moved too.
If the point in time is not the begin of the components,
than the duration of the components are increased or decreased
and unselected components, that are temporal after the selected components, are moved.
A popup-menu can be shown for the selected component.
For details look at
The rendering is computed in a background-process.
The rendering can be canceled with a cancel-button in the toolbar.
While a rendering-process is active, no second rendering-process for the same slideshow can be started.
If a rendering-process is active, a message and a progressbar is shown in the toolbar.
The message consists of the frames rendered, the total count of frames to render
and a factor of the duration of the render process
relative to the duration of the resulting slideshow-video.
There is one process for ffmpeg and one process that creates the frames in a rendering pipeline with imageMagick.
Several files are temporary written into a newly created temp-directory.
After the rendering, the resulting video-file is copied to the directory, where the slideshow resides.
The properties of the slideshow can be edited in the properties-view.
A name for the slideshow can be set.
The output-formats can be selected. There are several PAL- and NTSC-formats
File action
This file-actions take place, if a image or modification contains a file-parameter and a new file is selected.
do nothing
No action is performed
If a file is selected, it will be ask whether the file is copied to the slideshow-directory or not.
copy to directory
If a file is selected, copy it to the slideshow directory.
All files from all file-parameters are copied into the directory of the slideshow.
This is usefull, if you want to pack the slideshow with all necessary files into an archive.
Point in times and durations are shown in fields with time-value and frame-count.
The frame-count is calculated from time and the frame-rate of the output-format of the slideshow.
hh:mm:ss.SSSS/f |
hh: |
hours |
if hours are zero, it is omitted. Leading zeros are omitted. |
mm: |
minutes |
if hours and minutes are zero, it is omitted. If hours are omitted, leading zero are omitted. |
ss. |
seconds |
if minutes are omitted, leading zero are omitted. |
milliseconds |
with trailing zeros |
f |
frame-count |
calculated from time and the frame-rate of the output-format of the slideshow. |
The time can be edited.
Depending on whether a dot or a colon is entered,
the value entered is either a frame-count or a time-value.
When only digits are entered, this is a frame count.
When a dot or a colon is entered, this is a time-value.
Popup-Menu for slideshow
Popup-Menu for image
Popup-Menu for modification
new ... before
A new image or modification is inserted before the selected component *)
new ... at begin
A new image or modification is inserted as first child of the selected component |
new ... at end
A new image or modification is inserted as last child of the selected component |
new ... after
A new image or modification is inserted after the selected component *)
move up
Moves the component up within its parent |
move down
Moves the component down within its parent |
remove this ...
Removes the component |
remove all selected
Removes all selected components |
Set the point in time and the duration of the modification to the point in time and the duration of the parent-image |
*) Modifications can only added
before and
after, if the anchor-image is within another image.
Selected images and modifications in the
tree- or the
can be dragged and dropped. The drop-action can be choicen from a popup-menu after releasing the mouse.
copies the selected components at the drop-location |
copy - move following
copies the selected components at the drop-location and
moves following images and modifications according the duration of the inserted components. |
moves the selected components to the drop-location *)
move - move following
moves the selected components to the drop-location
moves following images and modificatons accourding the duration of the inserted components *)
*) Move is only possible, if the drag and drop is performed in the same slideshow.
If the drop is outside of
than the data is an
xml-document with all selected components with all parameters.
are stored
as xml-files. imjSlideshow.xsd contains the
schema for the xml-file.
Shows an image from a image-file.
The image-file is resized to the slideshow-size.
Point in times
Start- and end-point-in-time.
All parameters are defined at the beginning point in time
and are valid until the end.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Image-File |
The image-file that is shown. |
The rendering uses the "composite"-operation of ImageMagick.
Composite Image
Shows an image from a image-file.
The size of the image is adjusted according to the parameters.
Point in times
Start- and end-point-in-time.
All parameters are defined at the beginning point in time
and are valid until the end.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Image-File |
The image-file that is shown. |
Fit to frame size |
If set to true then the image is resized to the size of the slideshow
otherwise it is drawn as is. |
Compose |
It defines the mode of composition of the composite image
with the result of the previous images and modifications.
The rendering uses the "composite"-operation of ImageMagick.
Shows a text.
Point in times
Start- and end-point-in-time.
All parameters are defined at the beginning point in time
and are valid until the end.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Text |
The text to be shown. |
Font |
The font of the text. |
Point-size |
The point-size of the font. |
Color |
The Fill-Color of the font. |
Stroke-width |
The stroke-width of the font. |
Stroke-color |
The stroke-color of the font. |
The rendering uses the "draw"-operation of ImageMagick.
Crops the resulting image.
Point in times
It defines 4 point in times.
From start to 2. point in time the same value take place.
Between the 2. and the 3. point in time the value is interpolate.
From the 3. point in time to end the same value take place.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Type |
Type of the x-, y-, width- and height-value: percent or pixel |
X |
The x-coordinate of the center of the region to be croped |
Y |
The y-coordinate of the center of the region to be croped |
Width |
The width of the region to be croped |
Height |
The height of the region to be croped |
Aspect Ratio |
Whether the aspect ratio is to be respected |
Interpolation |
The interpolation to be used |
The rendering uses the "crop"-operation of ImageMagick.
Scales the resulting image.
Point in times
It defines 4 point in times.
From start to 2. point in time the same value take place.
Between the 2. and the 3. point in time the value is interpolate.
From the 3. point in time to end the same value take place.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Type |
Type of the width- and height-value: percent or pixel |
Width |
Scale-factor of the x-axis |
Height |
Scale-factor of the y-axis |
Interpolation |
The interpolation to be used |
The rendering uses the "resize"-operation of ImageMagick.
Moves the resulting image.
Point in times
It defines 4 point in times.
From start to 2. point in time the same value take place.
Between the 2. and the 3. point in time the value is interpolate.
From the 3. point in time to end the same value take place.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Type |
Type of the x- and y-value: percent or pixel |
X |
The x-value to be moved in the x-axis |
Y |
The x-value to be moved in the y-axis |
Interpolation |
The interpolation to be used |
The rendering uses the "geometry"-operation of ImageMagick.
Rotates the resulting image.
Point in times
It defines 4 point in times.
From start to 2. point in time the same value take place.
Between the 2. and the 3. point in time the value is interpolate.
From the 3. point in time to end the same value take place.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Angle |
The angle to be rotate in degrees |
Interpolation |
The interpolation to be used |
The rendering uses the "distort SRT"-operation of ImageMagick.
Scales, rotates and moves the resulting image.
Point in times
It defines 4 point in times.
From start to 2. point in time the same value take place.
Between the 2. and the 3. point in time the value is interpolate.
From the 3. point in time to end the same value take place.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Type |
Type of the x-, y-, scale-x, scale-y, new x- and new y-value: percent or pixel |
X |
The x-coordinate of the point for rotation relative to the center |
Y |
The y-coordinate of the point for rotation relative to the center |
Scale X |
The scale-factor in the x-axis |
Scale Y |
The scale-factor in the y-axis |
Angle |
The rotation in degrees |
new X |
The x-value to be moved in the x-axis |
new Y |
The x-value to be moved in the y-axis |
Interpolation |
The interpolation to be used |
The rendering uses the "distort SRT"-operation of ImageMagick.
Transparents the resulting image.
Point in times
It defines 4 point in times.
From start to 2. point in time the same value take place.
Between the 2. and the 3. point in time the value is interpolate.
From the 3. point in time to end the same value take place.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Transparency % |
The percent of transparency. 0=solid, 100=full transparent |
Interpolation |
The interpolation to be used |
The rendering uses the "evaluate substract"-operation of ImageMagick.
Appendix B: Types
Types, that are used for the values of parameters.
How the aspect ratio is respected.
Max preserved |
Maximum values of height and width given, aspect ratio preserved. |
Min preserved |
Minimum values of width and height given, aspect ratio preserved. |
Ignored |
Width and height emphatically given, original aspect ratio ignored. |
Preserved one higher |
Change as per "Max peserve" but only if an image dimension exceeds the specified dimension. |
Preserved both higher |
Change as per "Max peserve" but only if both image dimension exceeds the specified dimension. |
Following compositions are available:
Source, |
Destination, |
Clear, |
XOR, |
Src-Over, |
Src-Inside, |
Src-Outside, |
Src-ATop, |
Dest.-Over, |
Dest.-Inside, |
Dest.-Outside, |
Dest.-ATop, |
Multiply, |
Screen, |
Plus, |
Add, |
Minus, |
Subtract, |
Difference, |
Exclusion, |
Darken, |
Lighten |
For details look at the
examples of imageMagick.
A floating-point number with "double"-precision.
All fonts that knows imageMagick.
Holds an image-file. In the slideshow-xml-file
the image-file-path is written. If the file is in the
directory or in a sub-directory of the slideshow-file,
than only a relative file-path is written.
Divided Difference |
Divided Difference interpolation |
Left |
Returns the left value |
Linear |
Interpolates linear between the values |
Loess |
Locally weighted scatterplot interpolation |
Neville |
Neville''s algorithm |
Right |
Returns the right value |
Spline |
Spline interpolation |
The type of the x-,y-,width- or height-value.
Either Percent or Pixel.